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Cow Bay


About Cow Bay

Help the farmer cow complete the queen's requests in Cow Bay. Harvest berries, wood, stones, bricks, ect things that you can make to complete the quest.

The hard-working cow is working hard. Every time the queen asks for something, you have to help him do it and give it to the queen. Every time you complete a quest, the queen will give you gold coins. Use that gold to expand your workplace. Make more upgrades and stay active so the queen doesn't have to wait too long.

Things to note


You must always work at full capacity. Therefore, the energy will also decrease gradually. Collect strawberries and always put them in the top priority because they not only help create other products, but they also contribute to your energy.


Wood is also one of the ingredients you should always have in your inventory. Because your stock is limited. You can add other products in stock but it is indispensable because it helps to create many finished products such as logs, hammers, ect.

Other products

Some products like logs, hammers, axes, boulders, coal ore, ect are all upgraded products that start with wood and mulberry. You can keep them in your inventory if there's room left.


The products that the queen asks you to do and you need to do them as quickly as possible. Once completed, you will receive gold. Collect a lot to expand your scale.